"TAGORE has been a wayfarer towards the same goal as ours in his own way." ~Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo and Rabindranath Tagore shared an affinity, the full significance of which can be grasped only when it is understood that both of them had elevation of human existence and progress as the one central purpose of their lives. There is a further bond of natural commonality between them in the fact that both were poets, in a deeper sense, seer poets.
Rabindranath Tagore’s admiration and high regard of Sri Aurobindo have been often quoted in his famous words after both his meetings with Sri Aurobindo. The Mother also met the Nobel Laureate in 1916 in Japan.
In his acclaim of Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo praised the prominence of the poet and littérateur in the following words:
“The poetry of Tagore owes its sudden and universal success to this advantage that he gives us more of this discovery and fusion for which the mind of our age is in quest than any other creative writer of the time. His work is a constant music of the overpassing of the borders, a chant-filled realm in which the subtle sounds and lights of the truth of the spirit give new meanings to the finer subtleties of life.”
In 1913, Tagore won the Nobel Prize in Literature. His birthday is alternatively given in various international and national documents as May 7 or May 9, 1861, born in Calcutta, India.
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